

Astro City's Jack-in-the-Box!

Jack-in-the-Box was made with a Daredevil body and suit. The hands and feet are from an Aquaman figure. The cuffs and coils are craft foam. The yellow dots are drops of tool-dip. The hair came from a shaved Dark Phoenix (used for Catwoman). His mask is white lycra and is removable...

Jack's Head
Jack Unmasked

I really liked how the mask turned out. You can see his head features through the lycra (such as his ears.) I always wondered what Jordan was up to.

There are a few things I would like to do to improve this custom. First, I'd like to add his bag of tricks with confetti and rubber noses. Also, the hair isn't exactly right. Its suppose to look like Bozo, so it should be thicker and shorter, going into three distinct sections.

Astro City #3

This is a nice cover for Jack. Astro City number 3, where a small-time crook see crimebusting Jack-in-the-Box unmasked.

Flattworld better watch out. I have previously made the Samaritan, which is the character they're using as a prototype for their Astro City line. I now have Jack-in-the-Box, which they haven't even showed a protype for. The only other Flattworld anounced character is the Hanged Man, which is visually a pretty boring guy. He's in all black, with a bag over his head, and a rope! I'll probabaly knock one out just to have everything Flattworld has announced ;)