Help out the Mego Museum
Post date: Dec 18, 2017 9:22:57 PM
The Mego Museum needs some donations to keep running.
Joe from the museum posted:
We haven't asked for donations for a few months and were hoping not to until next year, but unfortunately, we need to. Both for the regular $180 monthly server payment and for the yearly anti-virus and firewall protection for the website, which is $299/year and is up this month. The anti-virus and firewall is a must-have for the forum. If you remember what things were like before we got it, with constant DOS attacks and viruses, I'm sure you'll agree. If you have a spare few dollars, send it our way. Every little bit helps, and it all adds up!
Also, remember we still have space for an advertiser! $25/month will get you your choice of an ad at the top of the forum or on the main Museum landing page!
The donation email is:
Or you can visit this link:
I know Laser Mego wouldn't be here today without the support of the Mego Museum, so please help out if you can.
- Paul