Heads, hats and necklaces
Winged hat:
Winged hat:
$5 USD
Solid Red Bucket Head for Type-S body:
Solid Red Bucket Head for Type-S body:
$10 USD
Hollow Red Bucket to fit over head:
Hollow Red Bucket to fit over head:
$10 USD
Star Crown
Star Crown
$5 USD
Goddess Tiara
Goddess Tiara
(Looks better with darker complexion and white hair!)
$5 USD
3D printed removable paper-bag helmet:
3D printed removable paper-bag helmet:
Available with or without the eye-holes.
1 Bag with eye-holes: $8
1 Bag (no eye-holes): $8
Panther Necklace
Panther Necklace
$5 USD
Tiger Necklace
Tiger Necklace
$5 USD
Hourglass Necklace
Hourglass Necklace
$5 USD
Snake Necklace
Snake Necklace
$5 USD