Most used Batman sound effects
Post date: May 2, 2014 5:28:36 PM
I found a website that listed how many times the different Batman onomatopoeia were used in the run of the TV show. I was happy to see that I made signs of most frequently used ones (highlighted below)! Need to make Zap and Ooooof next!
Complete list with number of uses:
50 kapow
49 pow
43 boff
42 zap
41 sock
34 biff
33 ooooff
32 splatt
31 crash
31 bam
30 whamm
24 whap
22 zowie
22 whack
19 zamm
15 crunch
13 eee-yow
12 z-zwap
11 zlopp
11 bonk
10 klonk
9 zlonk
9 vronk
9 thunk
9 clunk
7 thwack
7 ouch
7 kayo
7 clank
6 swoosh
6 pam
5 urkkk
5 uggh
5 rakkk
5 crraack
5 (stars)
4 zzzzzwap
4 zok
4 thwapp
4 powie
4 flrbbbbb
4 cr-r-a-a-ck
4 clash
4 awkkkkkk
4 awk
3 touche
3 bang
2 zam
2 wham-eth
2 thwacke
2 qunckkk
2 krunch
2 bap
1 zwapp
1 zlott
1 zgruppp
1 zapeth
1 whack-eth
1 urkk
1 thwape
1 swish
1 swa-a-p
1 sploosh
1 spla-a-t
1 slosh
1 rip
1 plop
1 owww
1 ouch-eth
1 ker-sploosh
1 ker-plop
1 glurpp
1 glipp
1 crunch-eth
1 crr-aaack
1 clunk-eth
1 clank-est
1 clange
1 blurp
1 bloop
1 bang-eth
1 aiieee
1 aieee