October Villians
Post date: Oct 3, 2015 3:15:29 AM
Here is a pair of Mego custom figures for October!
First, Marvel's Jack O'Lantern:
Made with a Doc Mego patterns suit with the arms and legs cut off and FTC body suit, boots and gloves. I used my 3D printed FTC to Type-S glove adapters along with my 3D printed head, pumpkins and belt buckle. The belt is a brown velvet ribbon and I the put the buckle and half-pumpkins on like beads. I also used cut vinyl for the head flames.
I also make a laser cut acrylic pogo platform for him with a clear acrylic stand to make it look like its flying.
The second villain is Lord Death Man from the 1966 Batman Japanese Bat-Manga:
My 3D printed head with black vinyl details on a brown Type-S body. The bone details are white vinyl on a black body suit. The cape is a new vinyl cape I made that I am very happy with. The belt is brown velvet ribbon with 3D printed belt buckle and pouches.
Here is the same head in red and black without the vinyl details:
I'm going to try making Black Mask with the black one.
Thanks for looking!