Phantom Limb Review
Post date: Aug 13, 2011 1:45:41 AM
I was happy to receive the second wave of Venture Brother figures today. I got Hank, Dr. Girlfriend, Doctor Orpheus and Phantom Limb. I'll be taking a closer look at Phantom Limb today.
The packaging looks similar to the other figures from the series. There don't have a build-a-drinking-straw-helper cutout like before, but it isn't a big loss.
The card back shows all the figures that have been been shown so far. They have started numbering the figures. Apparently mine is 303 out of 3000.
The figure looks great. The clear body has a nice weight to it and feels well constructed. The head is well proportioned and doesn't feel too thin like the first wave. The head sculpt looks great and is true to the character with a bit of a scowl of contempt . The skin tone of the face is also much better than the yellowish heads from the first wave. The outfit is great and has a nice tight fit with gold accents that really pop. The collar blends into the head making a continuos look.
The big draw to this figure was the use of the transparent body. It makes perfect sense for the character and makes it really stand out from all the other re-Mego figures out there.
I'm happy to see that the entire body is tranparent. They could have used an existing flesh colored torso since it doesn't show up with the suit on, but I'm really glad they took the extra step to give us a transparent body.
The solid arms and legs are a bit more transparent than the hollow body which is a little more cloudy. The elastic bands holding the body together are white and are very unobtrusive to the transparent effect. The body seems to be very high quality -- I couldn't see any air bubbles anywhere, which are very noticeable in transparent plastic.
There is some copyright information on the back of the leg that takes away from the transparency, but I'm sure it could be removed if someone objected.
Overall its a great figure and the transparent body will be extremely useful to customizers.